
const useReactBricksContext = (): types.IReactBricksContext

Hook with no arguments to access the values in ReactBricksContext. It returns an object. The values in the returned object are from the configuration you provided to the ReactBricks component, so you should have them available in your project, but this hook could be useful to access them from any component wrapped by ReactBricks, for example a content block.

Example usage

const { bricks } = useReactBricksContext()


The ReactBricksContext provides configuration context to all the children components.

It has the following TypeScript interface:

interface IReactBricksContext {
appId: string
apiKey: string
bricks: Bricks
pageTypes: IPageType[]
logo: string
contentClassName: string
renderLocalLink: RenderLocalLink
navigate: (path: string) => void
loginPath: string
editorPath: string
playgroundPath: string
appSettingsPath: string
isDarkColorMode?: boolean
toggleColorMode?: () => void
useCssInJs?: boolean
clickToEditSide?: ClickToEditSide
customFields?: Array<ISideEditPropPage | ISideGroup>
responsiveBreakpoints: ResponsiveBreakpoint[]
enableAutoSave: boolean
disableSaveIfInvalidProps: boolean

The <ReactBricks> component wraps all the children with the ReactBricksContext Provider.