
React Bricks main configuration file is located in /react-bricks/config.ts.

Here you can configure the Logo for the Admin header and other parameters (many of them will be already configured for you by the starter, based on the React framework you are using).

Configuration object

// Credentials
appId: string
apiKey: string
// CMS Content Blocks, Page Types, Custom fields
bricks?: types.Brick<any>[]
pageTypes?: types.IPageType[]
customFields?: Array<ISideEditPropPage | ISideGroup>
// Environment Settings
logo?: string
contentClassName?: string
renderLocalLink: types.RenderLocalLink
navigate: (path: string) => void
loginPath?: string
editorPath?: string
playgroundPath?: string
appSettingsPath?: string
isDarkColorMode?: boolean
toggleColorMode?: () => void
useCssInJs?: boolean
appRootElement: string | HTMLElement
clickToEditSide?: ClickToEditSide
responsiveBreakpoints?: ResponsiveBreakpoint[]
enableAutoSave?: boolean
disableSaveIfInvalidProps?: boolean

We can group configuration settings into three parts: credentials, schemas and environment settings.


appIdIdentifies this React Bricks app. Imported from .env.
It may be public as it is just an identifier, not used to authenticate API calls.
apiKeyAPI Key for React Bricks APIs. Imported from .env.
Used to authenticate Read API calls from the frontend.

Bricks, Page Types, Custom fields

bricksThis is the bricks (content blocks) definition. It is an array of Bricks
pageTypesThis is the page types definition. It is an array of Page types
customFieldsArray of custom fields or groups of custom fields on a Page, modified via the sidebar's "Document" tab. See Custom fields

Environment settings

Let alone logo and contentClassName, all of these environment settings are already set by the starter you choose.

logoThe URL for the logo you want to appear in the Header of the Admin dashboard
contentClassNameClass applied to the content in the Admin dashboard, so that the editing environment will look just the same as the front-end.
renderLocalLinkA functional component that typically wraps your router Link component (for example the Gatsby or Next <Link> component), useful to render local links inside the content text and avoiding full page reloads. It is used also to render the header links in the Admin.

React Bricks by default renders a <a> tag for external links and the renderLocalLink component for local links.

The renderLocalLink component may use the following props:
- href (required): destination path
- children (required): link children elements (for example the link text)
- className: class to be applied to links
- activeClassName: class to be applied to active links
- isAdmin: useful if you need to do different things for the admin interface header links
navigateA function to navigate to a page. Typically it uses the Gatsby's router navigate or Next.js router's Router.push functions.

React Bricks needs it to manage authentication redirects.
loginPathPath to the Admin "Login" page. Defaults to /admin.
editorPathPath to the Admin "Editor" page. Defaults to /admin/editor.
playgroundPathPath to the Admin "Playground" page. Defaults to /admin/playground.
appSettingsPathPath to the Admin "App Settings" page. Defaults to /admin/app-settings.
isDarkModeA boolean indicating if dark mode is active. Useful to test dark mode in editing, if your Bricks support dark mode.
toggleDarkModeFunction that toggles dark mode. Used by the Admin to test dark mode.
useCssInJsBoolean that should be set to true if you use a CSS-in-JS library like Styled Components or Emotion.
appRootElementA string selector like #root or an HTML Element like document.getElementById('root'). This is for accessibility of modals in Admin, to be compliant to WAI-ARIA guidelines.
clickToEditSideThe corner where to render the "click-to-edit" button in the Viewer. The default is "BOTTOM-RIGHT". The enum values are "BOTTOM-RIGHT" (types.ClickToEditSide.BottomRight), "BOTTOM-LEFT" (types.ClickToEditSide.BottomLeft), "TOP-RIGHT" (types.ClickToEditSide.TopRight), "TOP-LEFT" (types.ClickToEditSide.TopLeft).
responsiveBreakpointsOptional responsive breakpoints for preview. Defaults to 375px, 768px and 100%. Array of objects having the BreakPoint interface.
enableAutoSavefalse by default. If true, the user will be able to activate autosave using a switch near the Save button
disableSaveIfInvalidPropsfalse by default. If true, the user won't be able to save the content if at least a sideEditProp is not valid (validate function present and not returning true)

Usage example

Here you can see an example of a config.ts file, for a Gatsby-based project:

import React from 'react'
import { Link, navigate } from 'gatsby'
import { types } from 'react-bricks'
import pageTypes from './pageTypes'
import bricks from './bricks'
import { appId, apiKey } from '../../credentials.config'
import logo from '../images/logo.svg'
const config = {
contentClassName: 'content',
renderLocalLink: ({ href, children, className, activeClassName }) => (
<Link to={href} className={className} activeClassName={activeClassName}>
clickToEditSide: types.ClickToEditSide.BottomLeft,
export default config